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Lirik Lagu Christina Perri - Lonely Child dan Terjemahan

Just as fast as you came
Secepat hadirmu
Just as fast the sun set
Secepat tenggelamnya matahari
You push me away, you push me down
Kamu kesampingkan aku, kamu injak aku
Down, down, down, where my dream laid
Injak di tempat impianku berada
And just as quick you left
Dan kamu cepat pergi
Just as quick as you left my heart undressed
Secepat pergimu tinggalkan hatiku telanjang
And I felt down, down, down, down
Dan aku sedih, sedih, sedih, sedih
You took my wish back to the well
Kamu tidak membalas harapan baikku
And I remember all the words that you said
Dan aku ingat semua kata yang kamu katakan
That love is just a spark that starts in your heart
Bahwa cinta hanyalah percikan yang menyala di hatimu
And enters your head
Dan merasuk ke kepalamu

Darling calm down
Kasih, tenanglah
Calm down, you lose yourself in the clouds
Tenanglah, kamu hilang diri di awan
Slow down, slow down
Pelanlah, pelanlah
Your world's spinning around
Duniamu masih berputar
Play around the same, high state
Restless running wild
Berlari liar tanpa letih
Just a lonely, just a lonely, Lonely, child
Seperti anak kecil yang kesepian

Just as dark as the night
Segelap malam
Just as dark as the night went
Segelap malam berlalu
I lost my mind, I lost control
Aku lupa diri, aku hilang kendali
You let me steal my love for my soul
Kamu membiarkan aku mencuri cintaku demi jiwaku
And I remember all the words that you wrote
Dan aku ingat semua kata yang kamu tulis
That love is just the sound that plays in your heart
Bahwa cinta hanya suara yang berputar di hatimu
And gets caught in your throat
Dan terjebak di tenggorokanmu

And I remember all the words that you said
Dan aku ingat semua kata yang kamu katakan
That love is just a spark that starts in your heart
Bahwa cinta cuma percikan yang menyala di hatimu
And enters your head
Dan masuk ke kepalamu

Darling calm down
Kasih, tenanglah
Calm down, you lose yourself in the clouds
Tenanglah, kamu hilang diri di awan
Slow down, slow down
Pelanlah, pelanlah
Your world's spinning around
Duniamu masih berputar
Play around the same, high state
Restless running wild
Berlari liar tanpa letih
Just a lonely, just a lonely, Lonely, child
Seperti anak kecil yang kesepian

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