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Lirik Lagu Avicii - Can't Catch Me dan Terjemahan

Papa, he was gone tryna make a dime
Papa, ia pergi mencoba mencari uang sepeser
Mama kept us warm when there was no sunshine
Mama terus membuat kami hangat saat tak ada sinat matahari
I was busy building up a reputation
Aku sibuk membangun reputasi
Did a lot of things out of desperation
Banyak hal-hal yang keluar dari keputusasaan
Back up on my feet, got the motivation
Kembali ke pendirianku, dapat motivasi
Now I found my faith and a good vibration
Kini aku menemukan keyakinanku dan getaran yang baik

Search for you, lover, creation
Mencari tuk mu, pecinta, pencipta
When you're feeling down in this place, just replace them
Saat aku merasa lelah di tempat ini, hanya menggantikannya
Keep a vision on the one you've been chasing
Menjaga visi di diruma sudah mengejar
When the time comes we'll run to the station
Ketika saatnya tiba, kita akan lari ke stasiun
We've been laced with the powers of creation
Yang telah kami isi dengan kekuatan pencipta
So when the Sun sets, you bet you must face them
Jadi, ketika Matahari terbenam, Kau yakin kau harus menghadapi mereka
Remember when we were running 'cross the nation
Ingat ketika kita masih berlari perbatasan negara
We were living for the here and now
Kami hidup di sini dan sekarang

You can't catch me
Kau tak bisa menangkapku
I'll be gone by the time they come
Aku kan pergi saat mereka datang
You can't catch me
Kau tak bisa menangkapku
The war is already won
Perang sudah dimenangkan
Even though the children have sold their guns
Meskipun anak-anak telah menjual senjata mereka
We must remember the fallen ones
Kita harus ingat yang gugur satu ini
Remember the fallen ones
Ingat yang gugur satu ini

Raised in the capital of Port au Prince
Dibesarkan di ibukota Port-au-Prince
Born with them pillars in them tenements
Lahir di pilar mereka, di rumah petak mereka
Papa used to run from the immigration
Papa sering lari dari imigrasi
When we got to the United Station
Ketika kami tiba di Stasiun United
A teen under pressure, had to blend in
Seorang remaja di bawah paksaan, harus bergabung
Before the guitar I had a MAC 10
Sebelum gitar ku punya MAC 10 (senjata)

Search for you, lover, creation
Mencari tuk mu, pecinta, pencipta
When you're feeling down in this place, just replace them
Saat aku merasa lelah di tempat ini, hanya menggantikannya
Keep a vision on the one you've been chasing
Menjaga visi di diruma sudah mengejar
When the time comes we'll run to the station
Ketika saatnya tiba, kita akan lari ke stasiun
We've been laced with the powers of creation
Yang telah kami isi dengan kekuatan pencipta
So when the Sun sets, you bet you must face them
Jadi, ketika Matahari terbenam, Kau yakin kau harus menghadapi mereka
Remember when we were running 'cross the nation
Ingat ketika kita masih berlari perbatasan negara
We were living for the here and now
Kami hidup di sini dan sekarang

You can't catch me
Kau tak bisa menangkapku
I'll be gone by the time they come
Aku kan pergi saat mereka datang
You can't catch me
Kau tak bisa menangkapku
The war is already won
Perang sudah dimenangkan
Even though the children have sold their guns
Meskipun anak-anak telah menjual senjata mereka
We must remember the fallen ones
Kita harus ingat yang gugur satu ini
Remember the fallen ones
Ingat yang gugur satu ini

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